Termux tool.In this article, we will talk about termux tool. If you not know how many termux tool. Then this article gonna help you alot. To use termux tool you need to follow termux tool requirements. But think you not know whats the requirements of termux tool. Today, i will give you some tips about termux tool within a day.
How many termux tool:-
I know 540 Termux tool.
But all tool install in termux in one click. Its not possible.
But I can make it possible.
To make it possible Install tool-x .
Tool-x install in termux :-
- apt update
- apt upgrade
- pkg install git
- pkg install python2
- git clone https://github.com/Ranginang67/DarkFly-Tool
- cd DarkFly-Tool
- python2 install.py
What is it used for?
This tool use for in one Click all tool install in your Termux. In this tool-x most powerful tool include. This tool use are hacker.
Install video link :-